Paige Joanna lifestyle content shares posts on health, London life, body positivity and more. From Wedding Planning, Freelance Business Advice, Living in London and Topics Surrounding Crohns Disease, Anxiety and Health. There is a topic for everyone and posts are written in a way that talks about personal experiences in the hope to help others on a similar journey.
It's time to say Goodbye Summer and reflect on what I have learned. This year has flown by and a lot has changed. In May I had my wedding day and ever since I feel like I have been playing catch up. Now though, heading into Autumn I feel like this is the perfect transitional period to make positive changes. In this blog post, I go over 10 things I've learned and my plans and goals for the rest of the year.
Continue ReadingThe wedding content continues, this time its all about my wonderful Wedding Cake. I had the pleasure of getting a vegan creation by the talented Tiny Sarah's Cakes. The cake becomes such a talking point of any wedding day I felt it needed its own post. So continue reading to hear all about the ideas, flavour and dessert table! Ready, Set...CAKE!
Continue ReadingIt feels like ages ago I decided to make my own Wedding Bouquet. Having a handmade wedding really was so much fun. I loved creating our dream day including my wedding bouquet. Not only could I create something I really wanted but I did so on a budget. In this blog post, I talk about how I made it, personal touches and also some tips to keep the costs low.
Continue ReadingOur wedding day has come and gone but this dress story will always stay with me. I brought my dress in a charity shop and transformed it into something unique. In this blog post, I share the transformation process on how we created my dream wedding dress on a budget. This blog post has been in the making for over a year and a half ever since I laid eyes on the dress in a charity shop window. A family friend and I worked our magic on creating something unique to me. Keep reading to see more on my Wedding Dress Up-cycle Transformation
Continue ReadingI am so excited to share this blog post, as I went through a big hair change last week. Thanks to Great Lengths Hair I had a big transformation not only in length but with my colour. It's something I have wanted to do for a long time so I can't wait to share the process with you. Keep reading to find out more.
Continue ReadingA couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to go along to the Pandora Summer event. A group of us got together to learn how to do calligraphy and look over the summer jewellery collections. Pandora do so many gorgeous styles perfect for weddings; brides, bridesmaids, and gifts. In this post, I show what […]
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