Paige Joanna


I’m still dreaming of a summer getaway!

  • Paige
  • October 8, 2015
Photos from Pinterest and ITC Luxury Travel
Well as we draw into the start of
another cold and wet winter here in soggy Britain (London is looking rather miserable I must say) I find
myself dreaming more and more of a holiday. I haven’t been away for over 3
years now to a sunny relaxing destination, so as you can imagine I am really
craving some much needed time away. This summer hasn’t been particularly
overwhelming and I haven’t seen much of the sun, so I decided it was time I
started planning a last minute trip.
During the planning process I came
across InternationalTravel Connections where you
can book the most incredible holidays in stunning destinations all around the
world. Seeing the tranquillity in the images, on the sandy beaches and the
pristine photos made me even more excited! I had to write a post to share my
excitement, and we are hoping to go at the end of November but where is yet to
be confirmed! ITC Luxury Travel is the perfect place to book if you are looking
for luxury, take your breath away and picture perfect places!
There were a few destinations that
caught my eye but my favourite has to be Mauritius, which looks incredibly striking.
With white sandy beaches, luscious greenery and coral reefs surrounding the
island, it is like paradise, which is what I really want in a holiday.

So listen out on my Twitter as i’ll
probably be sharing my excitement there, asking for tips on travelling and
places to go etc. But until then I’ll be continuing to browse and plan my
perfect vacation with ITC in mind.  Go take a look for yourself and join in my excitement. Would
love to know where you have been this year, or where you are planning to go
Paige Joanna - Personal Style and Craft Blog