Paige Joanna


How to wear Irregular Choice boots in 3 ways

  • Paige
  • October 22, 2018

It’s that time of year when outfits become sparkly and there’s plenty of occasions for dressing up. When I saw these Irregular Choice boots called ‘Major Tom’ I fell in love. They are a huge statement with silver glitter, lightning bolts, hanging stars and most importantly flashing lights! Boots as wacky as these aren’t the easiest to style so I wanted to show 3 ways to wear them.

Outfit 1

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Outfit 1 is a snazzy matching suit that was handmade by Olivia Annabelle. Obviously, the boots are already such a statement but I wanted to show a cool way to wear them. The flared trousers sit perfectly over the boot and it gives the outfit a 70’s vibe. This would be a great look for a Christmas party and different from the usual party dress. The pink blouse brings in a feminine touch but you could also wear a sequin top or even a plain white shirt.

Outfit 2

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Sticking again to a more party style outfit with a sequin dress perfect for the season. This style is from Motel Rocks and they sell them in different colours every year. The pink works perfectly with the boots bringing out the pink details in them. I like wearing sequin dresses with thin straps as a pinafore over a white blouse as it makes it more wearable in AW. To bring it all together I wore glittery socks to add a preppy but cute look to the outfit.

Outfit 3

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Paige Joanna Irregular Choice boots outfit post

Lastly, outfit 3 is more of a simple look. I wanted to show another way of wearing the boots that would allow them to remain the statement feature. A classic white blouse and denim jeans are something most of us already own. Teaming this outfit with the boots is the easiest way to wear them. This look is a great smart casual outfit for Christmas and could be worn for several occasions.

I hope you liked the 3 looks showing how to wear these Irregular Choice boots. They are so much fun to wear and I know I’m going to spend many years loving these. Let me know in the comments what your favourite look is?
