Paige Joanna


Digital Detox

  • Paige
  • April 13, 2016
Paige Joanna Digital Detox Desk Space
We live in a world full of people obsessed with their phones and the internet. With 24/7 interaction online and websites that can answer a million questions, which fuels boredom, interests and loneliness. I am an addict to say the least, with my blog, social media accounts and working in the field professionally, my life evolves around it. It can be really hard to switch off and give ourselves a break when everyone else is just as active online, therefore we feel we’re going to miss out on something valuable. I want to explain how we can disconnect from digital devices, to simply just interact with each other properly face to face and enjoy life in the moment and not behind a screen. 

First of all, what is a ‘Digital Detox’?
It is a temporary period of time to completely disconnect from all digital devices to solely focus on social interaction, to reduce stress, and be fully present in the world ‘offline’. If you look around on the street most people are glued to a screen and barely take in what is going on around them. The great thing is it isn’t about learning to live without devices, more taking a valuable break to de-frazzle your brain, and recover from constant overload in information. 
This isn’t something I have tried yet but after reading about 7 Days to Digital Detox Challenge I am highly considering this! 
Paige Joanna Digital Detox Challenge
This is something we can all try, and I think it would be really beneficial. Recently I have felt a bit overwhelmed with how much I have to keep up with on my blog, as well as working full time running the social media channels for a company. Having both means I am literally looking at a screen most of my waking hours, which when you think about it is pretty crazy. I do suffer with anxiety and find myself comparing and getting jealous quite often of other peoples lives online. It is so easy to portray yourself differently but also just as easy to be drawn into this highly over filtered lifestyle. Life is so valuable, so it’s crucial to have genuine quality time with friends and family to feel healthy, happy and properly connected.
I won’t be completely ditching my phone or computer, as I genuinely enjoy what I do. But admittedly there are days I would like to throw my phone out of the window. It’s then that a Digital Detox would be a great idea and I highly approve, who else is going to join me? 
Paige Joanna - Personal Style and Craft Blog