Paige Joanna


How to wear a boho maxi skirt!

  • Paige
  • June 25, 2012
Hello everyone!!
Hope you are all well, today I have been lounging around my house again apart from going to get groceries. I live a high life of pleasure haha. My outfit is very comfy and I am wearing one of the skirts I got from my charity shop haul a few days ago. I forgot I had this black crop top, it is from asos for £8 pounds and is such a great essential item to have. 

how to wear a boho maxi skirt

It wasn’t until after I took the photos for today’s look that i got this magazine and saw i must be on tend with these lovely maxi skirts and large platform black and cork heels! I love the grey skirt in this one. Team a maxi with big chunky shoes and a crop top with layers of jewellery for a summer, boho chic feel!



I have top like this, so it has really inspired me to style it in this girlie and fun way!



Look out for a giveaway I will be posting on my blog later on today, some lovely shorts from OASAP, they didn’t fit me so I am able to hold it as a giveaway and they are just so lovely and now sold out on there website, so keep an eye out. lots of love.
